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Invite Elias to Teach

This document is a rough draft!
Please offer suggestions to

For those groups who are interested to invite Elias to teach, please  respect the following considerations.

*Note Gars and Lings and other organizers. Your considerations should be linked here as well,
such that the communities that you support, their needs are met.

Please note that this document is under construction and is open to regular updates by the Admin. There are two sets of considerations,

  1. International Dzogchen Community Lings and Gars
    Elias is a member of the IDC, and is committed to his samayas. Therefore there is a different process for inviting him to teach from within the community.
  2. Other groups that are not IDC can request Elias to teach, with considerations
    that reflect the needs of those groups that are independent from the IDC.

Please consider the following considerations:

A – Travel considerations, host, etc

Elias prefers to travel by land. If a flight is necessary, he needs to be able to carry large luggage. Suggestions for buying airline tickets:
- the possibility of transporting two 23 kg suitcases (this is very important because Elias has a lot of stuff with him, like medicine and more),
- it is better to book a plane ticket for an aisle seat.

B – How to request a topic

-mindful of how long it takes w/Elilas style

-don’t ask for more than he can give


C – Health, dietary, considerations

D – Proper tending to the instructor considerations.

-a nice backdrop

good audio

good Zoom etiquette and skill and administration


This is a living document, subject to input and revisions. Check often!